

Faculty are responsible for classroom management, 教学策略, 测试, and evaluation of student performance. 在学术机构, conflicts may develop within the educational process that requires academic intervention using the Academic Grievance process. When student grievances cannot be resolved through information interaction with a faculty member or chair/coordinator, students are directed to use the Academic Grievance process only when there is clear and convincing evidence that a faculty member has treated the student unfairly. The Academic Grievance procedure allows for unresolved complaints to continue moving from student to instructor, 致分部主席, to dean until consensus is reached or a final decision affirming or denying the grievance is made by the appropriate dean.


  1. If a situation occurs in which a student believes that he or she has been treated unfairly by an instructor, the student should schedule a conference with the instructor in an attempt to resolve the problem within 10 days of the incident.

  2. An Academic Grievance should be completed to document the incident. An Academic Grievance submitted online will be received in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Success. VPAS staff will review the grievance and forward it to the department chair to ensure grievance procedures are followed.

  3. If, after a conference with the instructor, the student believes that the matter is unresolved, he or she may consult with the department chairperson within 5 days of the student's conference with the instructor.

  4. The chairperson will individually and separately hear the grievance from the student and the instructor. 在听取双方意见后, the chairperson may request that the student and the instructor meet the chairperson in order to reach an acceptable solution.

  5. If an agreement is not reached, the chairperson will affirm or deny the grievance within 5 days. If the decision is to affirm the instructor's position, the student may then appeal to the dean. If the decision is to affirm the student's grievance and to recommend that the instructor reverse his or her decision, the chairperson must meet with the instructor and provide a written explanation. To affirm a student grievance, the chairperson must have adequate cause.
  6. If either the student or the instructor is not satisfied with the chairperson's decision, he or she may appeal to the appropriate academic dean within 5 days of the chairperson's decision. A complete record will be forwarded to the dean by the chairperson. The dean and the chairperson will meet with the student and the instructor. 在听取双方意见后 and reviewing the record the dean will render a decision in writing, affirming or denying the grievance within 5 days.


学术申诉政策:  F.4.(政策)学术上的不满